Sep 14, 2012

Yes, now, I'm Happy

Do you know the feelin' about being free like you would fly high? yes, i feel that way now. and it was really nice. maybe, previously i always feel like i'm a sad person. before now i always, indonesian people called that 'galau'. BUT NOW???? I'M FREE. I'M HAPPY WITH ALL MY HEART. now i can do what i want to do without have a feeling to tell someone. hahahaha. so from now on i will enjoy my life and follow my destiny like flowing water \:D/

Sep 11, 2012

A Little "Late" Birthday Party

Hey, i want to tell a story again. and it's kinda late birthday party actually, because my birthday was yesterday. but nevermind.
yesterday was pretty awesome, but that's not finish yet. today was my 'i dont know i must called them what' turn. well there they were, Anip Gamal Oman Ipang and we had a new member, Hamzah Fat! they came to my home soooo late at 5.30pm and i must've went to EF 6.00pm. finally we only had a limited time-_-
before they were came, i was so sleepy and had a nap because yesterday night i didnt had much time to sleep to do my homework.
the first thing they did was congratulate me as well, and they want me to cut the cake. i want to take a picture first before gave a slice of cake to them. after that, we had a little jokes. we looked at the old picture, there were a picture of me and ipang (we were a couple before), about thirteenaglimpse's motivation training in daarut tauhid, and many more. then we ate the cake that i gave to them while my mom was cooking, the menu was different from yesterday party, today menu was stew meat, boiled noodles, and fried chicken.
unpredictable thing happened!! rain was fell down, and you know what?! chika came to my house to gave me a gift! and all of her body was wet because of the rain. and i said to her that she must changed her clothes or she will get sick but she dont want to so i just lend my veil to her. after that, we were ate the entree that my mom provided.
and the time refered at 6.30pm. huff i would be late-_- and i was too lazy to went to EF but my mom was asked me so i did it with a half heart. and after they were prayed, they said goodbye and thanks to me and my mom so i could went to EF.
and that's it. my birthday story was over. yeah just wait until next year:D:D

THANKS TO GAMAL ANIP OMAN IPANG HAMZAHFAT who came to my home really late
BIG THANKS TO MY MOM, again, because she want helped me with the food.
the picture will overtake because i should ask gamal to send me some picture

-The End-

Sep 10, 2012

The Sweetest 16th Birthday Ever!

First of all, i want to thank God because of him thus far i'm still alive and have a happy life. and then i want to say i'm sorry if i messed up my posting with the wrong grammer or something else. i'm learning from now on! yehaha~ Ok well I had a lot of fun today! i woke up at 5am, and the first thing i did was opened my blackberry. xoxoxo. replying many of birthday wishes. then i got ready to went to school, fuh i was scared i would be late. and fortunately i'm not! at school, i met Bela and she said happy birthday to me. in the class, i had a word "who's having birthday today?" by el-_____- so mean! huft. after that, we must had 'upacara bendera', bored to the max! some social two girl sing "happy birthday andini, happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday andini~" andddd i'm so ashamed! :$
terus gue capek pake bahasa inggris, harus mikir kalimat dulu-_-
everything went as usual, but the different was my friends congratulate me and ask me to 'traktir'. sorry but i dont have much money. my wallet was kosong, you know kosong? yeah i dont know inggrisnya kosong apaan. wks. jengjenggggggggg finally, me, as a birthday girl had a first suprise from my beloved friends from spextrum!!(nama kelas pas gue kelas 10).
they came to my class and sing out loud, so sweet!:* actually thats not a surprise because i made a mistake before!! huft, i came to dara's class when she put the cake on her table and i saw it. ARGGGGG BIG MISTAKE! but thats okay, i appreciated the hard work that she did. and thank to her because she was the one who bought the cake! i love you more and more Daraa<3 after that i gave a slice cake to hungry hand-hand (?) apasih gue-_- maksudnya tuh gue ngebagiin kue ke tangan-tangan kelaparan yang udah siap siaga nerima kue. and not finish yet, banyak tangan jahil yang ngolesin kue ke muka gue sampe belepotan kaya apa tau deh. i was look like a girl from 'far far away' but keep smiling :D
my birthday was coloring by cloudy weather and the dark sky. really scared. hope that because the God was happy for me too. my everlasting and my beloved CENTILINI and BOYOT FAMILY told me that i should be hurry to get home.
the surprise for me not finish yet, at home they were gave a cheese birthday cake. unfortunately, i dont like cheese. maybe they forgot or i dont know and dont care. I'M SO HAPPY THAT I WANT TO FLYYYYYY~ *lebay*
we had a photo session first, then i cut the cake and gave it to the hungry hand-hand again-_- the boys who came first said that they were hungry so my maid started to cooked. they ate catfish and vegetable soup.
at 5pm, many were came to my home. and the first thing they asked me that the food. the boys as usual--"
so many activities that we did. start from photo session with my 'flower pink umbrella', ate some food, chatted with jokes and laughs. they were at my home until 7pm. my home looked like a messed.

THANKS TO SPEXTRUM, especially Dara and Bimbim
THANKS TO CENTILINI, Aka Dira Zahra Tika Sarah Ilmi Aida Chika
THANKS TO BOYOT FAMILY, Dio HamzahFat Hamid Hamjut Ago Faris Bulbul Gamal Mp Eras and all of you who cannot come
THANKS TO MY FAMILY to support me all the time
THANKS TO UBERSOCIAL, as my new family
and many more.
Love you guys the most! because without you all, i'm nothing.
A picture made by Centilini

me and Dara with my birthday cake

muka belepotan

-the end-

Sep 9, 2012

Alat Dibalik Canggihnya Internet

Hello there!
Dibalik suksesnya kita mengakses internet, ada beberapa perangkat yang berjasa. Nah gue mau share beberapa dari perangkat keras tersebut..

Kabel UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
merupakan salah satu media transmisi yang paling banyak digunakan untuk membuat sebuah jaringan local, selain mudah dipasang harganya pun relative murah dan terjangkau. Terdapat dua jenis pemasangan kabel UTP yang umum digunakan, yaitu :
a. Straight cable
digunakan untuk menghubungkan workstation komputer dengan hub

 urutan kabel straight

b. Cross cable
menghubungkan komputer yang satu dengan yang lainnya tanpa menggunakan hub atau menghubungkan antar hub.

 urutan kabel cross

Untuk memasangkan kabel diatas agar menjadi sebuah jaringan diperlukan Konektor RJ-45
berfungsi untuk menyatukan kabel-kabel network dari setiap komputer, server, dan perangkat lainnya, seperti kabel modem. Terdiri dari beberapa port yang telah mempunyai nomor urut. 

LAN Card

untuk menghubungkan beberapa komputer dalam sebuah jaringan LAN


untuk menghubungkan jaringan LAN dengan internet. kelebihan router adalah dapat mencari jalur yang terbaik dalam mentransmisikan pesan atau data dari alamat asal ke alamat tujuan.

berfungsi menerima data dari komputer berbentuk sinyal digital untuk diubah menjadi sinyal analog dan sebaliknya. Contoh modem ada 2, modem internal dan modem eksternal.

Sekian dulu, bye:D